Yacht Sales Cyprus
seatrip yachting

Yacht Sales

The decision to buy a new or used luxury yacht always brings excitement, whether you are a novice or an experienced yachtsman. And in this case, it is important to seek the help of an expert in the industry.

Since our establishment in 1996, our unwavering passion for yachting, coupled with our extensive knowledge, expertise, and professionalism, has propelled us to become one of the foremost companies in Cyprus within the yachting industry.

With our expertise, market knowledge, and extensive industry connections, we ensure that the yacht acquisition process is not only enjoyable but also culminates in you owning the perfect vessel at the opportune moment.

Yacht Investment

We provide a comprehensive range of services for yachting.

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Yacht Consulting

We provide a comprehensive range of services for yachting.

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New Yachts (Boats)

We will assist you in buying or selling your dream yacht on the best terms.

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Pre-owned Yachts

We have selected only the best options for you among used motor and sailing yachts.

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After-Sales Support Without Limits

Our top-notch support is available 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, so you can always reach out for assistance and avoid unnecessary stress.

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Yacht Investment

We provide a comprehensive range of services for yachting.

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Yacht Consulting

We provide a comprehensive range of services for yachting.

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New Yachts (Boats)

We will assist you in buying or selling your dream yacht on the best terms.

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Pre-owned Yachts

We have selected only the best options for you among used motor and sailing yachts.

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After-Sales Support Without Limits

Our top-notch support is available 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, so you can always reach out for assistance and avoid unnecessary stress.

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Thinking about listing your boat?
Let us help you!